华之梦教育集团成立于2018年,是集学校教育管理咨询和文化传媒于一体的教育科技集团公司。集团始终秉承“为教育圆梦、幸福天下师生”的教育理念,已完成全国21余省市区3500余所中小学校教育项目落地实践,帮助了10万余教师教学效率提升,将近1000万学生受益。华之梦教育集团的教育成果受到中国教育报、教育主管部门广泛报道和关注。HZM Education Group, founded in 2018, is an educational technology group company that combines school education management consulting and cultural media.The group has always adhered to the educational philosophy of "fulfilling the education dreams and bringing happiness to teachers and students." It has successfully implemented more than 3500 educational projects in over 21 provinces, municipalities, and districts across the country, helping over 100,000 teachers improve teaching efficiency and benefiting nearly 10 million students.The educational achievements of HZM Education Group have received extensive coverage and attention from Chinese Education Newspaper and education authorities.